This Logan, OH Wall Map with Number of Households displays detailed reference information and demographic data. The Logan Demographic map shows the number of households by zip code with easy to read color shading. The map also displays commonly referenced information such as highways, major streets and cities.
People select this Logan Demographic Map because:
- - The information on the map is up-to-date and clear and easy-to-read.
- - The distinctive color shading makes it easy to identify the number of households per zip code across the entire Logan County
- - They use the number of households to further understand their customers and the market area.
- - They write, draw and mark locations on the Logan demographic map using dry erase markers that are easily erasable on the laminated surface.
The Logan Demographic Map details include:
- - Major Streets
- - Cities and Towns marked and labeled
- - Interstate, US and State Highways
- - Logan borders
- - Zip Code index with grid locator
- - 5 Digit Zip Codes
- - Lakes, rivers and coastlines
- - Insets of detailed areas
Logan County is located in Ohio. The counties of Auglaize, Champaign, Hardin, Shelby and Union border Logan. Logan County contains the towns of Bellefontaine, West Liberty, Russells Point, De Graff, Lakeview, Belle Center, Quincy, West Mansfield, Rushsylvania and East Liberty. Major bodies of water in Logan County include the Ohio River, Indian Lake, the Great Miami River and Silver Lake. Find US Route 33 and US Route 68 as well as State Route 274, State Route 292, State Route 47 and State Route 235 on the Logan County Map. Logan County is home to the Bellefontaine Regional Airport and CSX Corporation-Marysville. Logan County also contains Indian Lake State Park, the Mad River Mountain Ski Area, Southview Park, Rutan Park and Blue Jacket Park.
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