The Demographic Map of Kalawao, HI displays Median Age by Zip Code with distinct color shading. The Kalawao map also displays basic map information in a professional style for business, personal and educational use.
People elect to add Median Age Demographic Data to their wall map to:
- - Further understand their customers and potential customers in the Kalawao area.
- - Better target customers within certain age groups for promotions and offers.
- - Better manage their business, product lines and market coverage.
- - Add business locations and draw territories directly on the Kalawao wall maps using dry erase markers and Mark-It Dots.
This Demographic Map of Kalawao features:
- - Detailed Major Streets
- - Counties surrounding Kalawao
- - State, Interstate and US Highways
- - Cities & Towns
- - 5-Digit Zip Codes
- - All bodies of water
- - Detailed city insets
- - Zip Code index & grid locator
Kalawao County is located in the USA state of Hawaii with an area of 13.27 square miles. Kalawao is located on the north coast of the island of Moloka'i and borders Maui County. It is part of the Kahului-Wailuku-Lahaina Metro Area. With a population of 90 residents, this Hawaii county is the second-least populous county in the United States. Major bodies of water in Kalawao include the Pacific Ocean, Mo'omomi Bay, Kalawao Bay and the Kalaupapa Warf. Kalawao County is home to the Kalaupapa Airport, Awahua Beach, Papaloa Beach and Iliopii Beach. Kalawao County also contains the Kalaupapa National Historical Park and the Pala'au State Park.
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