by MarketMAPS
The Polk County Map in the Basic Style displays Zip Code boundaries clearly as well as other essential map information. The clean and concise style makes it easy to find and reference information about Polk County.
People select the Zip Code Basic Style because this Polk County map:
- - Uses large text labels to display Polk County information.
- - Illustrates shaded populated areas in Polk County.
- - Features 3mm hot lamination on both sides for protection and durability.
- - Is ideal for adding business locations and drawing territories directly on the map.
Polk County Zip Code wall maps include:
- - 5-Digit Zip Codes
- - Zip Code locator and index
- - Highways (US, Interstate and State)
- - Surrounding county boundaries and names
- - Major Street Detail within Polk County
- - Towns and Cities
- - National and State Parks
- - Shaded Population Areas
- - Coastlines, rivers and lakes
The fourth largest county in the state of Florida, Polk County is over 2 thousand total square miles and central to many other Florida counties. In 2010, its population was over 600,000. Near the center of the state of Florida, Polk County is surrounded by the counties of Lake, Osceola, Okeechobee, Highlands, Hardee, Manatee, Hillsborough, Sumter and Pasco. Polk County is comprised of seventeen incorporated cities, including Auburndale, Eagle Lake, Davenport, Haines, Highland Park, Hillcrest Heights, Polk and Winter Haven. Polk State College, Southeastern university, Florida Southern College and Florida Polytechnic University are all higher education institutions located within Polk County. Find Interstate 4, Polk Parkway, Highway 17, Highways 27 and other highways and roads on the map of Polk County.