This Carrier Route Map of Edmunds County is an impressive display for any office, conference room or lobby. The Red Line Style makes it easy to identify carrier route boundaries because of the use of bright red and medium grey colors on the map.
People choose the Carrier Route map of Edmunds County in the Red Line Style because:
- - The map displays complete carrier route information for Edmunds County.
- - It is an ideal tool for improving direct mail marketing.
- - The map is protected by 3mm lamination.
- - Dry erase markers show up well on the white and red map.
This Carrier Route map of Edmunds County features:
- - Carrier Route Boundaries within Edmunds County
- - Highways (Interstate, State & US)
- - Zip Code locator & index
- - 5 Digit Zip Codes
- - Major Street Detail
- - Cities & Towns
- - Parks
- - Shaded Populated Places
- - Oceans, rivers & lakes
Edmunds County is located in South Dakota with an area of 1150.9 square miles. The counties of Brown, Faulk, McPherson, Potter and Walworth border Edmunds. Edmunds County contains the towns of Ipswich, Bowdle, Roscoe and Hosmer. Major bodies of water in Edmunds include Mina Lake, North Scatterwood Lake, Alkali Lake and Bowdle-Hosmer Lake. Find US Route 12 as well as State Route 253, State Route 45, State Route 47, State Route 247, 125th Street, 358th Avenue and 363rd Avenue on the Edmunds map. Edmunds County is home to Bowdle Municipal Airport, Southside/Holy Cross Cemetery and Bowdle Healthcare. Edmunds County also contains Mina State Recreation Area.