The ColorCAST style Wall Map is a multi-colored display that shades each regional area of Prince Edward Island with its own background color. It is ideal for applications that require users to identify different census divisions within the province.
This Prince Edward Island Province wall map features:
- - Trans-Canada Highways
- - Provincial Highways
- - Color Shaded by Census Division
- - FSA's (Forward Sortation Area)
- - Cities and Towns
- - Bodies of Water
Prince Edward Island is a province in Canada. It is the smallest province of Canada, with just 5,660 square kilometers of land area. Prince Edward Island is located north of Nova Scotia, east of New Nrunswick and west of Cape Breton Island. The island consists of many bays, including Foxley Bay, Malpeque Bay, Hillsborough Bay and Caridgan Bay. You can find the capital city Charlottetown as well as the cities of Cornwall, Stratford, Summerside, Georgetown, Alberton and Victoria on the Prince Edward Island map. The transportation network of Prince Edward Island includes ferry services, highways, the Charlottetown Airport, the Summerside Airport, and the Confederation Trail.