The ColorCAST style Wall Map is a multi-colored display that shades each regional area of Ontario with its own background color. It is ideal for applications that require users to identify different census divisions within the province.
This Ontario Province wall map features:
- - Trans-Canada Highways
- - Provincial Highways
- - Color Shaded by Census Division
- - FSA's (Forward Sortation Area)
- - Cities and Towns
- - Bodies of Water
Ontario is a province of Canada. It is located in the central eastern part of country, bordering the Great Lakes and the USA states of Minnesota, Michigan, Ohio, New York and Pennsylvania. You can find many cities on the Ontario wall map, including Toronto, Ottawa, Greater Sudbury, Kingston, Thunder Bay and Kenora. Ontario contains 1,076,395 square kilometers of land and water area, including features such as the Lake of the Woods, Lake Superior, Georgian Bay, the Ottawa River and Niagra Falls. The transportation network consists of the 400-series highways, the Saint Lawrence Seaway, freight rails and the Toronto Pearson Internaional Airport.